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This page shows questions in the Math 3 Year 1 public release module at MSDE. 3rd Grade Math
"Math 3 Year 1"

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This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Pre-recorded audio

Which question can be answered by using six times four?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Pre-recorded audio

Two numbers are modeled with place value blocks.

Two blocks are shown. The left block is labeled Rashads Number and shows four blocks of 100, 2 blocks of 10, and seven blocks of one. The right block is labeled Lexis Number and shows three blocks of 100, five blocks of 10, and two blocks of one.

What is the difference in the values of the two numbers?

This is a question with 3 parts, including a test question that allows you to enter extended text in your response.

Pre-recorded audio

John played four games. The number of points he scored in each game is written as follows.

  • First Game: 1 ten + 15 ones
  • Second Game: 2 tens + 1 one
  • Third Game: 5 tens + 9 ones
  • Fourth Game: 3 tens + 5 ones

Part A

Did John score more points in the first game or the second game? Explain your answer.

Enter your answer and your explanation in the space provided.

Part B

How many more total points did John score in the third and fourth games than in the first and second games? Show your work.

Enter your answer and your work in the space provided.

Part C

John played a fifth game and scored 61 points. Write the number of points John scored in the fifth game in expanded form. Give the value of the digit 6 and the digit 1.

Enter your answers in the space provided. Enter only your answers.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Pre-recorded audio

Sasha bought an apple and cut it into equal-sized pieces. After she ate a piece, there were 3 pieces remaining. What fraction of the apple did Sasha eat?

This is a fill in the blank question that allows you to enter only numbers.

Pre-recorded audio

A teacher prints 10 pages for each student in a class. The question mark in the equation shown represents the number of students in the class.ten times question mark equals seventy

How many students are in the class?

Enter your answer in the box.

This is a question with 2 parts, including a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option, and, a test question that allows you to enter extended text in your response.

Pre-recorded audio

Part A

Ms. Williams asked Carlos and Sara to show different ways to find the value of this expression:four times two times three

Carlos decided to multiply two times three first. Which expression shows what Carlos should multiply next to find the correct value of four times two times three

Part B

Sara explained the way she found the value of four times two times three as follows:

  • Multiply four times two
  • Multiply four times three
  • Add the two products.

Sara made a mistake. Describe Sara's mistake.

What is the correct value of four times two times three

Enter your answer and your description in the space provided.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select several options.

Pre-recorded audio

Which expressions have a quotient equal to 8?

Select the three correct answers.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Pre-recorded audio

Which number line has a point plotted to represent eight fourths?

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Pre-recorded audio

A square has a side length of 6 inches. What is the area of the square?

This is a fill in the blank question that allows you to enter only numbers.

Pre-recorded audio

Beth collected seashells. She had 8 different buckets. She placed 9 seashells in each bucket. What is the total number of seashells Beth placed in the buckets?

Enter your answer in the box.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Pre-recorded audio

Which model shows parts of the trapezoid that are each one-third the area of the trapezoid?

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

This is a test question that allows you to enter extended text in your response.

Pre-recorded audio

A teacher has two sheets of stickers. One sheet has 8 rows with 6 stickers in each row. The other sheet has 9 rows with 7 stickers in each row.

  • Explain how the rows and columns can be used to model the total number of stickers on the two sheets.
  • Write an equation that can be used to model the total number of stickers on the two sheets.
  • What is the total number of stickers on the two sheets?

Enter your explanation, your equation, and your answer in the space provided.

This is a question with 2 parts, including a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Pre-recorded audio

A white rabbit weighs 3 pounds. A brown rabbit weighs two and two fourths pounds. A black rabbit weighs three and one fourth pounds.

Part A

Which of these shows the weights of the rabbits plotted correctly?

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

Part B

Which of these is true?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select several options.

Pre-recorded audio

Which shapes are quadrilaterals?

Select the three shapes that are quadrilaterals.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Pre-recorded audio

Cole drew the shaded rectangle shown on some grid paper.

Cole’s Rectangle Image An image is shown, but there is no alternative text.

Nora also drew a rectangle on grid paper. Nora's rectangle has the same perimeter as Cole's but with a different area. Which rectangle could be Nora's?

This is a test question that allows you to enter extended text in your response.

Pre-recorded audio

Kyle and Tara were given the numbers 0, 2, and 5. They were told to make a 3-digit numeral out of the three numbers. Kyle's number was 520. Tara's number had a 0 in the tens place. Kyle said that Tara's number had to be less than his because 0 was less than 2.

Explain whether Kyle's answer was correct. Explain whether Kyle's reasoning was correct. Give examples to support your explanations.

Enter your explanations and your examples in the space provided.

This is a question with 2 parts, including a fill in the blank question that allows you to enter only numbers.

Pre-recorded audio

Melissa had a bunch of balloons for her party. The number of each color of balloon in the bunch is shown in the bar graph.

Color Blue Green Red Yellow 0 2 4 6 8 Balloons Number in Bunch Image An image is shown, but there is no alternative text.

Part A

How many more blue balloons than red balloons did Melissa have?

Enter your answer in the box.

Part B

How many fewer green balloons than yellow balloons did Melissa have?

Enter your answer in the box.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Pre-recorded audio

The number sentences are related facts.five times 4 equals 20

twenty divided by 5 equals question mark

What is the missing number?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Pre-recorded audio

Sean cut paper strips into different lengths. The line plot shows the lengths of the strips Sean cut.

3 4 5 Length (inches) Paper Strips X X X X X Image Line plot titled paper strips. The number line is labeled length in inches. The number line shows labels at 3, 4, and 5, with three marks between 3 and 4 and 3 marks between 4 and 5. One X is shown above the first mark to the right of 3, the second mark to the right of 3, the mark at 4, the mark to the right of 4, and 5.

He cut one more strip. The last strip he cut is shown.

0 1 2 3 4 5 inches Paper Strip Image A diagram titled paper strip shows a ruler measuring inches from 0 to 5, with three marks in between each inch. A strip above the ruler goes from the mark at 0 inches to the mark to the right of 3.

Which line plot shows the lengths of all Sean's paper strips?