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MCAP, Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program

This page shows questions in the Algebra I Functions - Interpreting Functions public release module at MSDE. Algebra 1
"Algebra I Functions - Interpreting Functions"

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This is a question with 2 parts, including a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option, and, a test question that allows you to enter extended text in your response.

While Sam was at work, his house lost electrical power. By the time the electrical power came back on, the temperature inside the house was 88°F. The air conditioner immediately started to cool the house.

Let f of x represent the temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit, of Sam's house x minutes after the air conditioner started to cool the house.

Part A

What is the meaning of the statement f of 30 equals 76?

Part B

Use function notation to represent the temperature of the house when the air conditioner started to cool the house.

Enter your answer in the space provided. Enter only your answer.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

The function h of t equals negative 16 t squared plus 48 t plus 1 hundred 60 can be used to model the height, in feet, of an object t seconds after it is launched from the top of a building that is 160 feet tall.

Two other forms of the function are

h of t equals negative 16 open parenthesis t minus 5 close parenthesis open parenthesis t plus 2 close parenthesis

h of t equals negative 16 open parenthesis t minus 1 point 5 close parenthesis squared plus 1 hundred 96

Which value of the function represents the maximum height of the object?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

An object is launched upward from a platform that is 10 meters above ground level. It reaches a maximum height of 88.4 meters above ground level in 4 seconds. The object hits the ground after a total of 8.25 seconds.

Let the function h of t represent the height, in meters, of the object above ground level t seconds after launch. Which inequality describes the domain of this relationship?

This is a question with 2 parts, including a multiple choice question that allows you to select several options.

Adam ran for 30 minutes. He kept a record of his running speed, in miles per hour (mph), for each 5-minute interval. The table shows the changes in the running speed for different time intervals.

Interval of Time Running Speed
First 5 minutes Went from 0 mph to 7 mph
5 minutes to 15 minutes Remained at 7 mph
15 minutes to 20 minutes Went from 7 mph to 4 mph
20 minutes to 25 minutes Went from 4 mph to 6 mph
25 minutes to 30 minutes Went from 6 mph to 0 mph

Consider a graph in the xy-coordinate plane of Adam's running speeds as a function of time, in minutes. Assume that the increases and decreases in the running speed were constant.

Part A

In which time interval is the graph of the function increasing?

Select all that apply.

Part B

In which time interval is the graph of the function decreasing?

Select all that apply.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Today (Week 0), a certain flower is 0.75 foot tall. Each week, the flower will grow 25% taller than it was the week before. In the function below, t is the number of weeks from today and h(t) is the predicted height after t weeks.

h of t equals three fourths times 1 point 2 5 raised to the power of t.

What will the average rate of change be from Week 0 to Week 5?