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This page shows a list of test questions in the American Government public release collection at MSDE. American Government
Standard "4.0 Economics," Indicator "4.1.4"

Select a question from the following list. The content of that question will be shown, and you can interact with it here.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Read the headline below.

A newspaper headline reads, Unemployment Rates Rise Following Defense Cutbacks.

Which of these does the headline suggest about unemployment rates?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Which of these actions would the Federal Reserve most likely take to help end a recession?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Which of these best reflects how the federal government manages the economy through fiscal policy?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Which of these consumer activities is most influenced by the Federal Reserve?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

With which of these government actions is the Consumer Price Index (CPI) most associated?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Which of these economic indicators would be most useful for determining the rate of inflation?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Read the headline below.

A newspaper headline reads, Continued Rise in Unemployment Rate Leads Federal Reserve to Increase Money Supply.

Which of these best explains the reason for the Federal Reserve's action?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Which of these is a responsibility of the Federal Reserve System?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Which of these government regulatory agencies enforces legislation to limit or reduce water pollution?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Study the graph below.

A line graph shows a time series entitled, Percent Change in Real Gross Dometic Product (GDP). The horizontal axis is labeled year and ranges from 1973 to 1980 in increments of 1 year. The vertical axis is labeled, Percent Change from Previous Year, and ranges from negative 4.0 to 8.0 percent. A line show jagged points at 1973, midway between 4 and 6 percent, 1974, a little less than 0 percent, 1975, midway between negative 2.0 and 0 percent, 1976 midway between 4 and 6 percent, 1977, a little lower than the point at 1976, 1978, a little higher than the point at 1976, then drops to 1980, a little less than 0 percent.

Which of these best characterizes the condition of the United States' economy between 1975 and 1978?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

If government statistics show rising unemployment and a falling Consumer Price Index, which of these actions should the Federal Reserve take to help the economy?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) reports on price changes for over 90,000 items.

Which of these is most likely the reason the federal government uses the CPI?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Study the chart below.

Instrument Function
Interest Rate Interest rate charged to banks by other banks or the Federal Reserve
Reserve Requirements Requirements on the amount of funds banks must hold in reserve against deposits
Open Market Operations The buying and selling of United States government securities in the open market

Based on the chart, which of these would be a result of open market operations by the Federal Reserve System?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Study the graph below.

A LINE GRAPH titled percent change in real gross domestic product, GDP, from 1973 to 1980. In 1973, the graph is about 5 percent, in 1974 about negative .6 percent, in 1975 about negative 1 percent, in 1976 through 1978 about 5 percent, in 1980 about negative .2 percent.

Which of these best characterizes the condition of the United States’ economy between 1975 and 1978?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Read the headline.

A newspaper headline reads, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Rises 3%.

What action could Congress take to continue the result described in the headline?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Study the cartoon. Use the cartoon to answer the question.

A political cartoon shows mom walking into the house with shopping bags, dad sitting on a chair reading a newspaper with a big headline, Recession, and a child jumping elatedly, saying, Mom bailed out the retailers!

In the cartoon, what is the most likely effect of the woman's actions on the business cycle?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Read the headline.

A newspaper headline reads, Job-loss Rate Is Highest in 5 Years.

This headline describes an economy that is showing

This is a test question that allows you to enter extended text in your response.

Read the information and use it to answer the constructed-response question.

In December 2007 the U.S. unemployment rate was 5 percent. By June 2009 the U.S. unemployment rate was 9.5 percent.

  • Describe the role of the Federal Reserve.
  • Explain how the Federal Reserve could use monetary policy to address the economic changes described in this information.
  • Include details and specific examples to support your answer.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select several options.

Select the three factors that are directly included in the measure of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).