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MCAP, Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program

This page shows a list of test questions in the American Government public release collection at MSDE. American Government
Standard "4.0 Economics," Indicator "4.1.2"

Select a question from the following list. The content of that question will be shown, and you can interact with it here.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

In which economic system does the government control what products will be made, how many will be made, and how they will be made?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

A company decides to install more machines and lay off workers. Which economic question is being directly addressed?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Which of these is most often encouraged by the government in a command economy?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a test question that allows you to enter extended text in your response.

The United States has a mixed economy and is able to regulate many business activities.

  • What are the benefits of government control over business activities?
  • Should the United States government have more control or less control over business activities? Explain your answer.
  • Use details and examples to support your answer.

Write your answer on the lines in your Answer Book.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

The government of China tells factory managers to increase their use of computers in manufacturing.

What economic question is most affected by the government's actions?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

After purchasing a new car, the owner had the steering wheel repaired at least four times within one year. Under Maryland law, the person is entitled to a new car or a refund.

The purpose of this law is to protect the

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Which of these best describes the United States' economic system?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

In which economic system does the government have the most control over a country's economy?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

In a market economy, who decides how resources are used and distributed?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

The basic economic questions in the United States are mainly answered by

A Key:
B Makes laws
C Not national in scope
D No power to answer economic questions

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

In which economic system does the government have the most control over a country's economy?