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This page shows a list of test questions in the American Government public release collection at MSDE. American Government
Standard "2.0 Peoples of the Nation and World," Indicator "2.2.1"

Select a question from the following list. The content of that question will be shown, and you can interact with it here.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Which of these forms of government allows citizens to choose their government leaders most freely?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

The United States stops trading with a country because of reported evidence that the government of the country mistreats its citizens.

Which foreign policy tool is the United States government using in this situation?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Read the newspaper article below.


June 27, 1950

New York — The United Nations Security Council today resolved to send military aid to repel the invasion of South Korea by North Korea.

The action described in the article is most directly related to which of the following goals of the United Nations?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a test question that allows you to enter extended text in your response.

Read the news article excerpt below.

President Clinton signed a $435 million foreign aid bill to relieve the debts of the world's poorest countries. Clinton said of the bill, "It will be good for our economy  . . .  [and] good for our security  . . .  [and it] is simply the right thing to do."

  • Explain ways our foreign aid to other countries has benefited the United States.
  • Do you think the benefits of foreign aid are worth the cost? Explain why or why not.
  • Include details and examples to support your response.

Write your answer on the lines in your Answer Book.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Read the news headline below.

A newspaper headline reads, United States Sets High Taxes on Imported Lumber.

Which of these is a purpose of this action by the United States?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

In the 1980s, the United States, some European countries, and the United Nations banned the trade of certain goods and services to South Africa. The policy was in response to South African laws which enforced racial segregation.

Which of these best describes this action toward South Africa?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Read the news headline below.

A newspaper headline reads, The United States War Crimes Tribunal Charges a Military General with Forcing the Relocation of Thousands of People.

The headline is most associated with which of these goals?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Read the quotation below.

" . . .  let us resolve to wage an unrelenting [continuous] battle against poverty and for shared prosperity so that no part of humanity is left behind in the global economy.  . . . "

President Bill Clinton, at the United Nations, September 21, 1999

Which of these topics is most related to the excerpt?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Read the excerpt below.

“Everyone is entitled  . . .  to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal [judge/jury], in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.”

Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

According to the excerpt, all people are entitled to

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Read the excerpt below.

“North Korea will come under intense diplomatic pressure to [end] its nuclear weapons program  . . .  as the United States, North Korea, and its four neighbors begin  . . .  negotiations.”

New York Times, August 2003

This is an example of the United States working with other nations to

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

Read the quotation below.

" . . .  let us resolve to wage an unrelenting [continuous] battle against poverty and for shared prosperity so that no part of humanity is left behind in the global economy. . . . "

—President Bill Clinton, at the United Nations, September 21, 1999

Which of these topics is most related to the excerpt?

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.

This is a multiple choice question that allows you to select only one option.